As a retired RN who this year is celebrating 50 years since graduation, I am grateful for your articles. I frequently find myself arguing with TV, Internet or social media ads spewing information about diseases that don’t exist to market useless, expensive and the worst, dangerous, “supplements”. (yelling at a TV screen is not a good look for a 70 year old if caught by family) You give me the real information to factually explain to friends who may buy into these marketing schemes and lies. Thank you.

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THIS! How many times in 21 years of Yoga teaching did I hear a yoga teacher "diagnose" a student with this?! Too many times! This is rampant in the New Age "yoga" World!

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I want to share this post, but I’m not in the mood for the droves of mostly women who will start arguing with it.

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I can't begin to tell how many times i heard about this in acupuncture school and from classmates. along the lines of herbs can't hurt because they are natural. i didn't buy into it than and even less so now w/ the additional learning. and it is not that hard to learn - people need to just do a little work.

thanks for helping us do that.

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